Sunday, March 28, 2021


In the past decade, there have been several advancements in the field of dentistry that have resulted in incredible technological development. For the patients suffering from a lost or missing tooth, the treatment choice has been shifted to dental implants. The procedures done with the correct surgical technique have delivered a success rate that is near about a hundred percent. About a decade ago, the dental implant industry virtually exploded. At that time a large number of implant manufacturers decided to change the topographical surface that is required in the implant fixtures. The decision was taken on the basis of dental literature and written research that resulted in an improved success rate for the patients. Now there are many innovative dental implants such as Cortico Basal Implants, pterygoid implants, and others that have a higher success rate.

If you are a patient requiring a dental implant, then there are some important things that you need to know before continuing with the treatment. Let us go through these points below:

1. Conduct basic research on the dentist, who has recommended the dental implantation procedure for you. Make sure to check his experience in implant dentistry.

2. The practitioner or the individual who will conduct the dental implant must have previous surgical experience from an Indian Government-certified program or course. There are a few certified institutions that provide Dental Implant Training In India.

3. Before undergoing the implant procedure take a second opinion from a general dentist regarding your situation. This will give you a better idea of the implantation and its effect, overall helping you in ensuring a well-planned, properly treated, and suitably restored tooth.

4. Always emphasize on the type of dental implants your surgical consultant will use. Ask him about the benefits and disadvantages of those surgical implants apart from conducting self-research on their success and survival rates.

5. Ask as many questions as you want with your dentist regarding the state of your tooth, type of implants, time is taken to heal, and other questions that come to your mind.

Simpladent India is offering dental implant training in India. For information on the courses, contact us on – +91 9711150803 or mail us at



The dentistry industry has seen tremendous progress in the past ten years. This has resulted in the introduction of the latest technology in dental implants and other procedures. Today, if you are suffering from a dental problem and require a tooth implant, then there are solutions that will give you complete chewable strength within 3 days of implantation, in comparison to the conventional ones that took a minimum of 6 months to achieve the same results. These innovative dental implants are called Pterygoid Implants, which are also known as Single Piece Implants as they are implanted in a single procedure.

Now let us have a look at a couple of Myths and Facts about dental implants.

Fact 1: Formal Surgical Training On Humans Is Not Needed By The Doctors For Placing Dental Implants.

Among the various implant manufacturers, there are a few who conduct educational seminars for doctors, who desire to perform a dental implant procedure. This seminar is conducted on a single weekend and in just 2 days, the doctors participating in it are provided with a Surgical Training Certificate. This certificate states that the participant doctors have received formal training in surgical implant dentistry. This makes them eligible to perform a dental implant procedure on humans. Such types of seminars provide training on plastic jawbones rather than on human subjects.

FACT 2: So Many Implants, So Little Time

In the past decade, the competition in the dental implant industry has increased tremendously. There have been cases when the patents have expired on those devices that have proven efficiency for human use. In such cases, a few implant manufacturers simply duplicate or copy the designs of these devices along with doing a minor change in them. Often known as clones, these duplicate implants are marketed at highly reduced fees which makes them a popular choice among various dentists. The manufacturers who duplicate the implant designs also provide literature however it is also copied from the original implant manufacturer.

Simpladent India is providing dental implant training and carrying out dental implant procedures on the patients using flapless Pterygoid Implants. For more information, contact +91 9711150803 or mail at


Corticobasal Implants: The Ideal Solution For Tooth Replacement In Cases Of Jawbone Loss

One kind of dental implant used to replace lost teeth is the corticobasal implant, often known as a basal implant. In contrast to convention...